🛑 Money Button announced it will shut down their wallet service in 26th June 2023. All contents in MB wallet should be relocated to another wallet before 29th September 2023. Alternatives to MB are RockWallet, ElectrumSV, and HandCash. BSVTokens.net uses MB for presenting, creating and modifying SFP token information. After MB is gone, BSVTokens.net will not be able to function as intended.

BSV Tokens


BitcoinSV2020 Randy

Myy 10 tokenia

1/10Ape Token2,00USD14Ostaminen keskeytetty
2/10Faces of BSV Calvin Ayre Gold /1000,10USD150Ostaminen keskeytetty
3/10Faces of BSV Calvin Ayre Platinum /101,00USD14Ostaminen keskeytetty
4/10Faces of BSV Calvin Ayre Silver /10000,01USD1500Ostaminen keskeytetty
5/10Faces of BSV Craig S Wright Gold /1000,10USD120Ostaminen keskeytetty
6/10Faces of BSV Craig S Wright Silver /10000,01USD1445Ostaminen keskeytetty
7/10Grateful Dead Skull and Roses Silver /10000,01USD1500Ostaminen keskeytetty
8/10Grateful Dead Steal Your Face Silver /10000,01USD1400Ostaminen keskeytetty
9/10Ref. 000000010,01USD102 000Ostaminen keskeytetty
10/10Rocket0,01USD509 999Ostaminen keskeytetty
  • Pisteytys myyjänä: 0.33 (mitä lähempänä 1.00:aa, sitä parempi)
  • Tilausten käsittelytiheys: pari kertaa päivässä
  • Nähty viimeksi: ⚠️
  • Nähty ensi kerran: